New Focus

A new focus

It's been 2 years since I joined the Pyllon Trax team and during that time I've loved the weekly sessions, the coach feedback and also running with fellow Pyllon runners, but alas, all good things come to an end. 

I've decided to leave the Pyllon Trax program. The reasons are numerous but it all stems from the week where I just didn't want to run any more, I didn't have a positive thought in my head and I realised I need to take care of my mental health. 

I had lost the love for the one thing that gets me through any down days. I didn't want to train, to push myself or even just pull on my kit and go for an easy plod. 

After I came out the other side of my negative thoughts, I sat down with Mandy and chatted about everything. 

The bottom line is, I work fully remote for a company in Bristol, I don't see anyone. I occasionally run with a friend but that depends on his shifts. I needed to find a way of seeing people, chatting and socialising with other people. 

When paying for coaching, I felt I had to do the sessions set. I had to pull on my kit and I had to do the sessions. Why else am I paying the monthly fee? Yes, the training plans does have long runs in the hills, on trails etc but I didn't because I like to do these sorts of runs with friends but I always left it too late to organise. 

So, what is this new focus? 

Well, I've decided to rent a desk in an co-working space once a week, that will help me socialise with other people. It gets me out the house too which can only be a good thing. 

I've started bouldering again on a regular basis, I loved bouldering but had given it up as I was 100% focused on my running. 

I've joined a gym! I've joined the same gym as Mandy and we now go to classes together. Synergy Group Fitness is just down the road from us so we can walk there together and do the class. Spending a bit more time together. 

Am I still running?

I know it might sound like I've given up on running but I've no plans to do that. I still enjoy running, I just need to do some other things for a change. Running 6 days a week, mostly on my own, has been lonely at times. I don't mind working hard on my own but I want to get back to the raw enjoyment of running. No pace in mind. No session in mind. If I want to go run, I will, if I don't, then I wont and I wont feel guilty about it. 

I've a few races planned and I'm still going to be training for these, just in a more relaxed, less focused manner. I'll race for the enjoyment of pushing myself hard rather than expecting to run a specific time because training has indicated that's the pace I should be capable of running. 

So if you follow me on Strava, you'll likely see non running activities popping up more often 🙂

What made me decide to do all this?

It's pretty simple, things change over time. Running used to be my everything but when that everything doesn't give you joy, why continue to do it? 

Yes I'll be running less, but when I do run, I'll enjoy it more. 

I used to love training 6 days a week, but things change, I've changed. Why continue to do something just because that's what I've always done? 

It was time to change the focus and time to find my happiness again. 


Published on : 28 May 2024