
Enter the world of Owain—a web developer by trade, a runner by nature. By day, he's crafting code; by any other time, you'll find him hitting the pavement, chasing his next adventure.

Formerly known as RunningBeside.me, this blog has undergone a transformation. Owain bid farewell to the old and embraced the new with ScottishRunner.blog. Why the change? Simple—Scottishrunner is his digital persona, his identity across X and Instagram.

Expect updates here, though they might not come like clockwork. In a world dominated by social media, this blog offers a breath of fresh air—a place where anyone can drop by, no matter their preferred platform.

Based in Edinburgh, Owain shares his life with Mandy and their trusty dog, Toby. But beyond the city limits, he's a lover of open trails and wide skies.

Join Owain on his journey through miles and moments, where each step tells a story of perseverance and passion. Explore the world of running, training, and adventure through his eyes. Welcome to ScottishRunner.blog—a peek into the life of a dedicated runner and outdoor enthusiast.