Walking around Scotland

I mentioned, I think, in a previous blog, that I had been walking more at the weekends. Mandy and I jump in the car and head somewhere different each weekend with our dog Toby. 

We headed up to Aberfeldy a few weeks ago for 5 days and did loads of lovely walks and I thought I'd share some of these walks so that others might find it interesting/useful. 

I've been using Strava to log the routes too so I will be able to embed them in to the blog so you can see elevation and the route. 

Over the next couple of weeks I'll post details about the walks and also give them a Toby rating. Sort of like a movie or book review sort of thing. 

The rating is going to look like this : 

🐶 = 1 toby is a nice walk but poor Toby needed to stay on his lead and he / we maybe didn't enjoy it very much

🐶🐶 = Less lead time for Toby and he / we enjoyed it but there is room for improvement

🐶🐶🐶 = A good solid walk, Toby enjoyed and we found it an enjoyable walk, would probably do again. 

🐶🐶🐶🐶 = Lots of running around, zoomies and waggy tail from Toby. We enjoyed the walk, maybe had some amazing views, a pub / cafe at the end, would do again.

🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶= No lead time, Toby ran free from the car park. Lots of open space or general dog friendliness and Mandy and I will be back 100%. Likely to have a cafe at the end that served amazing coffee and cake.  

Hopefully you'll enjoy the blogs. 

Published on : 09 October 2024